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How to Tie a Hook on a Fishing Pole

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Are you wondering how you could tie your fishing hook on your pole but afraid to ask a friend because you don’t want to look like a complete newbie in the world of angling?

Keep on reading to learn how to make some of the simplest knots necessary for having your fishing hook attached to your line!

All of us are well-versed with the overhand knot — you know, that easy-peasy knot that we make each time a knot has to be done.

The overhand knot has a foundational role in your ability to do so many other knots, including most especially those that are indispensable for angling.

While it’s true that every now and then you will find that the overhand knot will come in very handy while you’re fishing, the fact is being armed with your ability to effortlessly perform the overhand knot is not enough!

Here’s a fact: the knot necessary for tying your fishing hook on your fishing pole via the line of your choice is not the same as the knot you need for, say, keeping the end of a rope, yarn or shoelace from unraveling. There are actually many different types of a knot out there that anglers use. The good news is that there is really no need for you to master doing every single one of them — learning a few essential ones is more than enough for a prolific fishing life.

So without any more ado, let’s check out how to tie a fishing hook on your fishing pole using some of the knots that professional and casual anglers swear by each time:

The Improved Clinch Knot

Perhaps you have heard time and again about what everyone refers to as the clinch knot. Well, a lot of today’s anglers have completely turned their backs on it, making their new go-to knot what’s called the improved clinch knot!

Just like what the name says, it’s just like the good old clinch knot but better. Quick to do and reliable — what’s there not to love about the improved clinch knot? Unfortunately, it’s only perfect for attaching your hook to a monoline which means that you should go for a completely different type of knot if you’re using a braided fishing line.

improved clinch knot illustration 1

improved clinch knot illustration 2

Here’s how to tie your hook on your fishing pole using this knot:

  • Wrap the loose end of the line around the standing line 5 times.
  • Thread the line into the loop right next to the fishing hook’s eye.
  • Pull both ends of your fishing line to tighten the knot.
  • Clip excess line if needed.

improved clinch knot illustration 3

The Turle Knot

If you are fond of using a small fishing hook and a thin fishing line, then knowing how to do the turle knot is a definite must if you are planning on taking angling seriously.

Doing the turle knot is also a great idea for attaching an artificial fly to your leader line. By the way, this knot is named after a 19th-century English angler Major William Greer Turle. Well, he made it clear that he didn’t invent it — he just made it very popular among anglers.

turle knot
turle knot 2

This is how you attach your fishing hook to your line via this knot:

  • Thread the line through the fishing hook’s eye.
  • Make a loop by wrapping the loose end around the line just past the eye of the hook.
  • Create a smaller loop and then wrap the line around it 2 times.
  • Hold the bigger loop with your thumb and index finger.
  • Pull the loose end of the line to tighten the smaller loop.
  • Take the bigger loop around your fishing hook and pull the standing line to tighten.
  • Clip excess fishing line.

turle knot 3

The Palomar Knot

Here’s a knot that works great for tying a hook on your fishing pole using any line although many anglers agree that it’s best for use on a braided fishing line: the palomar knot.

What’s so nice about this type of knot is that it’s really, really strong. According to tests conducted using a braided fishing line, the palomar knot has a breaking strength of anywhere from 14 to 15 pounds! Sadly, it’s not ideal for use on fishing hooks with small eyes.

palomar knot 1

palomar knot 2

palomar knot 4

Let’s take a look at how the very popular palomar knot is accomplished:

  1. Double your fishing line and guide it through the eye of your fishing hook.
  1. Tie a loose overhand knot — we all know very well how to do this type of knot!
  1. Pass the looped end of the doubled line around the fishing hook.
  1. Tighten the knot by pulling on the standing line.
  1. If needed, clip loose end for a clean-looking knot.

palomar knot 5

The Double Palomar Knot

If you think that the palomar knot is the strongest basic knot that you can use for hooking up your hook on your fishing line, think again! There’s the so-called double palomar knot that’s even more dependable.

According to experts in the world of angling, the double palomar knot has 15 percent greater strength compared to the regular palomar knot. It goes without saying that this is the knot type to go for if you are looking to get your hands on some of the planet’s most aggressive fish.

Check out these surprisingly simple steps to doing this knot that many anglers rely on:

  1. Just like when doing the palomar knot, double your fishing line.
  1. Insert it through the fishing hook’s eye.
  1. Create an overhand knot, but remember to wrap the end around one more time.
  1. Pass the looped end of the doubled line around your hook.
  1. Pull on the standing line in order to tighten the knot.
  1. Clip excess line if needed.

After trying the above-mentioned knots that you could use for tying your fishing hook on your fishing pole, feel free to come back to this page and leave in the comments section below which one you like the most!

For more how-to fishing knots click here or check out how to tie a swivel on a fishing line

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the improved clinch knot good?

One of the most commonly used fishing knots is the Strengthened Clinch knot. It offers a successful method of securing a hook, lure, or swivel from a fishing line. An extra tuck under the final turn is included in the “improved version. It is widely used to bind the leader to the fly.

What is the strongest fishing knot?

In certain cases, the Palomar Knot is the best fishing knot. Just 3 steps make this knot extremely powerful and very simple. Since this knot does not have many twists and kinks, it makes it incredibly hard to break. It can be used on the Mono-filament and Braided Line.

How strong is a double Palomar knot?

Like the Palomar, the Double Palomar is fast and easy to tie, but it is more durable. It has 15% greater strength than the knot of the Palomar and fits the Berkley NanoFil lines better. Therefore it is known as the NanoFil knot as well.

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